The Promise - November 2005
Did you ever drop acid?
I haven’t in years
But every once in awhile
I’m reminded of "the promise"
The Promise
Made by the anti-drug forces back in the day
always in let’s-alarm-the-shit-out-of-you tones
They would say,
"Don’t do acid
because some day
when you least expect
you will have an acid frashback!"
That was The Promise
that some day
while traveling through your mundane existence
colors would all of a sudden
seem more pronounced – a little more vibrant
Movements would be tracked by trails
And you would chuckle at something silly
something you probably never paid much attention to before
like how the break lights on the car in front of you seem to be winking at you
like you two are sharing some inside joke
And everything around you would come to life -
it would explode with pleasure and pull you into euphoria
your thought process would escape to a whole other level
where you could understand life
where you could venture through the clutter in yourbrain
like the fellowship through the dark forest of Mordor
I’ve thought of this flashback
This two for one promise – if you will
At times like when I’m stuck in Q-Bridge traffic
with a seemingly endless pack of cars pinning me to a stop
Or when I’m chained to my kitchen table
my checkbook and calculator out and a pile of bills,
like concrete wrapped around my neck,
weighing me down
Yes, there are times when I could use such a break
But it could present a problem (a slight problem)
if the promise is fulfilled while meeting with my staff
or bosses in a conference room at work
flip charts and power points presentations
will melt from the walls
My boss would have a red bulbus nose
which would actually be a penis on closer look
A bad trip would bring a fire-snorting serphent
that made no sense when it spoke
(which I guess isn’t that different than meetings with my boss now…)
Either way
It hasn’t happened
and I’m starting to doubt it ever will
But they promised!
I am supposed to get acid flashbacks
But they lied! (so you know the government was involved)
I just wonder
who would I talk to
to get my money back
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